Tag Archives: Master of Building Services Engineering

Wise Earth Research Innovation

Wise Earth Research Centre (WERC) Continuing to Innovate

Steve lab

Located at 24 Bassendean Road in Bayswater, the WERC facility is donating some space and resources for Innovate Australia.

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The factory is currently undergoing research in solar air conditioning and new generation solar water heating that operate from solar voltaics. WERC has been participating for three years in a R&D project with the Federal Government and plan to have some patents lodged around mid – 2016.

Master of Building Services Engineering Murdoch Uni

Director, Garry Baverstock AM has been re-appointed as an Adjunct Professor in the School of Engineering at Murdoch University and is involved in the creation of a Master of Building Services Engineering, setting up a new program for Masters and PhD students.

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An outcome from this program will be to link into the research work currently carried out at the Bayswater facility for the new design air conditioner and solar hot water system. To find out more about the Master of Building Services Engineering programme being established at Murdoch University, please CLICK to contact us.

Photo Credits; Nick Melidonis, www.nickmelidonis.com