On May the 23rd 2019 in Adelaide, Garry Baverstock will be speaking at the Industry Friends Low Carbon Living Forum (https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/industry-friends-of-low-carbon-living-forum-series-tickets-60293989947?aff=erelexpmlt) . He was invited by the University of South Australia to talk about the technologies that himself and his team have invented, researched and developed. UniSA has been contracted to investigate the PV driven solar water heating product known as SolaTank.
Garry will also be discussing the ’MassWall’ construction system that uses a new thin masonry block, known as the ‘BaverLock’. This maximizes thermal mass storage in 3 to 5 story domestic or small commercial buildings.
As part of maximizing the thermal storage effects, a new PV driven technology known as ‘MassLinc’ is ready for the commercialisation process.
Why SA?
Mr Baverstock said, “Well we have found WA is myopic with mining innovations and there is little support for technologies like ours. It is unfortunate but one must heed reality”.