SolarDay – SolarDay lives!
John Reed the founder of SolarDay Worldwide is tenaciously continuing to work towards cementing the program as a truly national and international event in 2014.
He has tirelessly worked to gain the sponsorship and corporate investment needed to make this worthy event a very long-term, inter-generational initiative.
We applaud John Reed’s community building and private enterprise approach, taking many years to make his idea a valuable contribution to the evolving economy running on increasing amounts of clean energy. It is only a matter of time before June 21st all over the globe, becomes universally recognized and celebrated as one of the most important days in the annual calendar. ‘Persistence’ beats ‘resistance’ as they say.
We need for all humanity to celebrate the existence of the sun and encourage the use of this energy to the maximum and save our natural environment, and help create a truly sustainable world for life on earth for eons to come.
The often talked about ‘elephant’ in the room is actually two elephants, both largely invisible to most contemporary citizens and policy makers. One is named “solar energy” and the other is “global population” control and management. Together planet earth gets a chance at keeping the quality of our lives and a natural environment that will last.
It is high time that these two ingredients for a more secure, stable sustainable world become mainstream thinking. It is a no brainer really.
We encourage all of industry, politicians, associations and societies to get behind John Reed’s initiative. He is on the right track in our opinion. Many have already.
So, catch the train to a solar, clean energy future!
We need a business entity that makes SolarDay a perpetual annual focus.
In the real world the SolarDay event is a perfect, practical and self-funding focus for the solar energy industries.
Contact John Reed to find out how you can make a difference and allow the idea to go viral
Visit for updates
SolarDay 2012 has truly gone worldwide this year and is taking steps to try to help make this a growing international event for those who want to see renewable energy left to the next generations, as a contribution to their lives and well being.
Too long many of our politicians and communities have focused on short-term prosperity and goals. With the threat of destructive Climate Change, overpopulation and depletion of fossil fuel reserves on this planet, we desperately need to invest more than ever in renewable and clean energy systems. If not for ourselves, then we need action for the sake of future generations.
Our colleagues at can clearly see that international recognition of John Reed’s initiative in establishing SolarDay as an international focus on solar energy is an important contribution to progress.
Lobby for UN recognition of Solarday
For this reason we are starting to lobbying for support for June 21st to be established as SolarDay Worldwide, to assist John Reed in his mammoth undertaking. The day is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere where the benefits of the sun are obvious. It is the winter solstice where most of the southern hemisphere’s population lives in the temperate zone, where the contribution of the sun is a large contributor to energy savings, not just in the summer periods.
As in 2011, we at recognize that SolarDay takes a lot of time, effort and real costs for John’s organization. Therefore we feel in kind and corporate financial sponsorship is perfectly ethical and justified to back up this visionary effort.
Efficient Management of Solar Engery
The great thing is that people, institutions, companies, solar energy societies can band together through SolarDay 2012 without any complex bureaucracy involved, making sure it is efficiently run and never institutionalized or corrupted in any way.
Endorsement of Solarday
We endorse getting behind John Reed again this year and look forward with him in making a difference to the consciousness of the world’s population and recognition of the application of solar energy to world’s population and life on planet earth.
We are aiming to create an event via the WA branch of AuSES to establish a regular event to celebrate the day and seek new members and networks that will provide progress, new initiatives and industry development for Australia. Eventually we are hopeful that it will lead to full ISES recognition and participation in events all over the world.
Link to Solarday website :
Consider being a Solarday Sponsor?
If you are considering being a sponsor for Solarday, download the Solarday sponsorship information document.