Providing for Swanbourne’s Needs into the 21st Century

The Swanbourne Precinct Development Trust (SPDT) has been formed to effectively develop the precinct around the Swanbourne railway station and provide a sustainable roadmap to the needs of this community for the next 5-10 years.

The first property for the SPDT; number 1 Franklin St; has already been purchased and paid for and is in a good strategic location with a right of way. This will allow the trust, together with the engagement of local shop owners and residents, to effectively develop additional apartments and office space above the shops for the next few years.

Positive feedback has already been received from the progressive Town of Claremont. This liaison between the stakeholders; the Town of Claremont and the SPDT, will culminate in a process to address all the key issues to removing barriers to the Swanbourne Precinct being developed into a higher density thus resulting into a successful, vibrant and sustainable community into the 21st century.

Rod Griffiths and Garry Baverstock discussing the SPDT project outside 1 Franklin St, Swanbourne

Rod Griffiths and Garry Baverstock discussing the SPDT project outside 1 Franklin St, Swanbourne

Positive Integration

In the past, the Town of Cottesloe Council and the Town of Swanbourne were sometimes regarded as looking after their respective sides of the railway line with often little integration between them. It is hoped that the SPDT, with more and more shop owners and residents from both sides of the track as stakeholders; will see the area in the Swanbourne railway precinct acting as an entity rather than two competing sides of the track. This can only lead to better outcomes for all concerned in the development of the area as a whole over the next 10 years at least.

Photo Credits: Nick Melidonis,